Sakai Kikumori, also known as Kawamura Hamono, is a Sakai-based knifemaker that produces a wide array of kitchen knives in various styles and steel types. Established in 1926, they have fostered a name for themselves producing knives with appeal in both traditional and modern markets, notably employing the talents of some of Sakai’s most skillful and accomplished blacksmiths and sharpeners. Among these blacksmiths is Yoshikazu Tanaka, who for over fifty years has been making White Steel and Blue Steel knives using strictly traditional methods, trusting his own intuition and experience as a blacksmith over modern tools.
For its quality work, Sakai Kikumori has been awarded the “Sakai Wazashu” certification by the city’s Chamber of Commerce in tribute to its exceptional work in the knife industry, undoubtedly solidifying its own reputation and contributing to Sakai’s image as a blacksmithing powerhouse to this day.