Japanese steel types
a guide to japanese steel
There is a lot to learn about when it comes to steel - it can be a bit overwhelming. Don't fret! We've put together this guide to help you out.
Looking in to the world of steels available today is a daunting task. There are so many available it is hard to keep track of. Here are a few things you can look at to determine if the steel is right for you.
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how to look at steel types
When buying a new chef knife there are different types of steels to choose from that have different properties. Depending on the task you are performing these properties can make the difference in performance and the possibility of damaging the blade.
We are going to look at durability, sharpness, edge retention, and ease of sharpening, all of which are determined by the hardness & grain structure of the steel.
hardness & grain structure
Hardness and grain structure are the main factors contributing to the performance of any steel, from its durability to the level of sharpness it can achieve, as well as how long it can hold that sharpness.
The common scale of hardness used is the Harness Rockwell C scale, usually abbreviated HRC. Generally speaking, the higher the number, the harder the steel. You will typically see knives in the range from 52 to 68 HRC. Japanese steels usually range between 58 - 68 HRC, while most Western steels don't surpass 59 HRC.
The lower end of this spectrum will give you a steel that is very durable, meaning it is not likely to chip. The down side to this will be that this steel will not be able to hold an edge for very long and typically not get as sharp as other steels that are harder.
On the other end of the spectrum you will have a steel that is very hard, giving you a steel that will hold a very fine edge for a long time and will also be sharper. The downside is that the steel will be more brittle meaning it is more prone to chipping.
Durability is the blade's ability to withstand damage from bending, twisting, or cutting something hard. The softer a steel is the more durable it will become and vice versa.
The downside to having a very durable blade is that it will not get that sharp and will not stay sharp for very long. On the other side, a very durable knife will be great for harder tasks of working with bigger dense products like cutting winter squash in half, slicing blocks of cheese, and working around bones.
Sharpness determines how well a knife can cut through something. The harder a steel is the better edge it can take.
Grain structure comes into play here as well. The finer the grain structure the sharper the edge can become. For example, VG10 and Silver Steel No.3 are about the same hardness, but because Silver Steel No.3 has a much finer grain structure, it has the ability to become much sharper.
Edge Retention
Edge retention is the steel's ability to hold its edge over a period of time. This is also determined by the hardness of the steel.
A hard steel will hold an edge for a very long time while a soft steel will become dull quickly.
ease of sharpening
Both hardness and grain structure come in to play with the ease of sharpening a steel. The harder a steel is the more difficult it will be to sharpen. The finer the grain structure is the easier it will be to sharpen.
White Steel No.1 is a very hard steel with a very fine grain structure that is moderately easy to sharpen. AUS-10 is on the softer side of Japanese steels, but has a much bigger grain structure and therefore is harder to sharpen than White Steel No.1.
Now that you understand how the hardness of a steel and the size of the grain structure change the properties of steel you will be able to make a better decision when picking out your new knife.
Whether you need something for a hard task like cutting a winter squash in half or delicate tasks of cutting some thin slices of your favorite meats. You will know that the hardness of a steel and the grain structure size will determine a knife's durability, sharpness, edge retention, and ease of sharpening.
curious how to care for your knife?
stainless steel vs. high carbon steel
We usually break down steel types into two categories - Stainless Steels & High Carbon Steels. It's what they say on the tin: stainless steels contain properties that allow them to be stain resistant and unlikely to rust. High carbon steels, as the name implies, have a larger ratio of carbons to allow for better sharpness and edge retention, though leave the blade prone to rusting and chipping.
Generally, stainless steels are easier to maintain and are softer and more durable. High carbon steels require more care due to their ability to easily rust and chip, but can also achieve a sharper edge for a longer period of time.
stainless steel knives
stainless steels
Stainless steel is created much the same way as carbon steel, however chromium is added to the mix. The mixing of chromium with the steel prevents the material from rusting, thus making it a popular choice in kitchen knife set construction.
hrc 60-61
ease of sharpening
edge retention
VG-10 or V Gold 10, is a high quality cutting stainless steel. This steel is very hard and also very tough. Has great edge retention and is surprisingly easy to sharpen.
Made by Takefu Special Steel Company, VG-10 steel is a favorite of chefs for its balance as a hard working knife and durability in that its edge can withstand long shifts. Typically the steel has an HRC of 60-61.
hrc 60-61
ease of sharpening
edge retention
A predecessor of VG-10, VG-1 is an amazing steel with much of the same qualities as VG-10. The metallurgic content is a bit different however.
HRC 59-60
ease of sharpening
edge retention
A very common, tested and tried stainless steel for kitchen knives. Is a great introduction steel to Japanese knives, in which, it is easy to sharpen, very durable, rust resistant, and is usually reasonably priced. AUS10 has better performance than AUS 8, better edge retention and holds a sharper edge.
HRC 58-59
ease of sharpening
edge retention
As an earlier incarnation of AUS steels, AUS-8 has a very similar make-up to AUS-10, though doesn't hold as sharp an edge for as long.
silver steel no.3
HRC 59-61
ease of sharpening
edge retention
Silver Steel No.3 is a fine grained high carbon content stainless steel with the cutting feel and ease of sharpening of a carbon steel. The cutting quality is similar to that of a shirogami steel. Typically has an HRC of 59-61.
HRC 62-64
ease of sharpening
edge retention
SG2 (or R2) is a high-carbon high alloy content stainless steel that has been powderized into a very fine grain and then sintered back together. This process allows for a very consistent gran structure in the steel which makes the blade easier to sharpen and very durable.
The steel does not rust and will work great in fast paced kitchen environments. Has a 64HRC.
HRC 62-64
ease of sharpening
edge retention
HRC 67-68
ease of sharpening
edge retention
HRC 66-68
ease of sharpening
edge retention
high carbon steel knives
high carbon steels
Most Japanese knives will fall under this category. Carbon steel is made through the process of adding carbon to steel made from iron ore.
white steel no.1
HRC 65+
ease of sharpening
edge retention
Shirogami, or white paper steel, is the closest steel to the traditional tamahagane steel. The steel is very pure, in which it has very little impurities such as phosphorus and sulfur in the steel's make up. The steel does rust easily, however the edge it holds is regarded as one of the best.
White Steel No.1 has highest carbon content, having the hardest and sharpest edge. May chip if used improperly however.
white steel no.2
HRC 60-61
ease of sharpening
edge retention
Shirogami, or white paper steel, is the closest steel to the traditional tamahagane steel. The steel is very pure, in which it has very little impurities such as phosphorus and sulfur in the steel's make up. The steel does rust easily, however the edge it holds is regarded as one of the best.
White Steel No.2 has mid-range hardness, and is the most common type of White Steel used.
Blue steel no.1
HRC 58-60
ease of sharpening
edge retention
Aogami, or blue paper steel, is basically shirogami steel with chrome and tungsten added to the steel. This is a very popular steel used in forging high end Japanese kitchen knives.
Blue Steel No.1 has the best edge in terms of sharpness.
Blue steel no.2
HRC 63-65
ease of sharpening
edge retention
Aogami, or blue paper steel, is basically shirogami steel with chrome and tungsten added to the steel. This is a very popular steel used in forging high end Japanese kitchen knives.
Blue Steel No.1 has the most durable edge due to its hardness.
HRC 63-64
ease of sharpening
edge retention
Aogami, or blue paper steel, is basically shirogami steel with chrome and tungsten added to the steel. This is a very popular steel used in forging high end Japanese kitchen knives.
Blue Super is made by adding molybdenum and vanadium to the Aogami steel. Has the longest edge life of the Blue Steels and is a favorite among the craftsmen who make our knives.