Flat Rate Worldwide Shipping $28.90 USD
Saya covers prevent damages on knives during transport. We strongly recommend our customers who often carry knives to purchase Saya covers. The Saya cover comes with a matching plastic pin which is very useful to keep the knife in the Saya cover. Specifications:Knife Type: for Sakimaru Takohiki KnifeMaterial: Magnolia Wood/Covered with LacquerBlade Length: 270mm
The Saya fit these knives;
This Saya does NOT fit these knives;
The sheath is designed for knives we carry. This sheath might not fit knives other than ones listed above. We make sure knife and sheath matches when they are purchased together before shipping. If you purchased only sheath, we can’t guarantee that all sheath goes with other knives, and we will not accept an exchange or return.
It usually takes 2 –3 weeks for us to restock should this item is not available.
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